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Localized in Lower Vancouver Island


Wildlife Trapping


since 1990 

Licensed trapper specially trained to remove wildlife and prevent undue stress or injury to the animal.  Everyone loves to see animals in the wild.  However, once those animals enter your house and property, they become destructive and also a danger to your family and home.  I have many years experience as a trapper and also work    with the ministry of environment in tracking of bears, cougars and other problem animals in populated areas. 


Grey squirrels are a nuisance to birds as well as us 

Nuisance Animal Trapping and Control 

Nuisance animals are basically animals not wantd in a given location, but are treated a little differetly than the vermin we call pest.  Whenever possible,nuisance animals are captured in traps and humanely released unharmed in a suitable area.  Sometimes this isn't possible, such as when an animal is sick or injured.  But the goal is to trap and release the animal unharmed, far enough away that it will no longer be a nuisance animal problem.  Some of the more common animals we deal with are Raccoons Squirrels,Otters,Beavers, Mink, Muskrats, Cougars, Bears and Wolves.

      As you can see from the above picture,raccoons

      can be very destructive to your home. 

      I have 8 great cougarhounds which helped me to

      track this cougar that had been killing sheep at

      a local farm. 

         These otters pictured on the bottom right were trapped under a patio located at a hotel in the city of Victoria.

         The otters were released.  The cougar on the bottom left was tranquilized and relocated as well. 

         Almost all of my shooting is done with my camera.